Why Visualization Is One Of The Best Panic Attack Remedies

I’ve tried the obvious panic attack remedies – namely, professional therapy and medication. The problem is that when the sessions finally ended two years later, I was not totally cured. I still hand lingering discomfort related to anxiety and panic. The fear that an attack could strike at any moment didn’t help. That’s when I did a lot of reading on visualization and relaxation remedies. The first time I tried relaxation, I had help from a psychiatrist who taught me how to perform self-hypnosis. I talk about this method in another post. It was just the beginning. Using the methods […]

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Where Can You Find Help For Anxiety?

I was fortunate in that I found help for anxiety quickly, although it was actually panic by the time I did. I waited too long, instead of seeking help as soon as anxiety struck. What I discovered during my recovery is that many people just do not have much sympathy for someone with a mental condition. They think you are just exaggerating to get attention. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The last thing most anxiety suffers want is for people to constantly pander to them in this way. They want honesty. They want support. And they want to […]

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Keys to Managing Workplace Stress – And Other Stressful Situations

It doesn’t have to be difficult managing workplace stress, or any other form of stress if you take the upper hand quickly. Stress is a permanent feature of our lives, but it really seems to ramp up at work. More than two-thirds of American workers report that workplace stress is a problem. Simply making decisions and taking action can be one of the most immediate ways to relieve stress. Take a moment whenever you feel stressed, identify the things in your mind that are contributing to your state, and then do something about them. That’s all there is to this […]

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Panic Attack Treatments: Do You Really Need Them?

You could go it alone, but you don’t have to when there are some quality panic attack treatments around. How do I know this? Because I suffered with panic and anxiety disorder for years. For me, recovery began with my therapist who sat and listened to my lengthy sagas about my most recent feelings and fears. My file was immense two years later when we parted ways. Oh, I wasn’t cured, exactly. He just decided that he couldn’t really help me much more than what he had, with the medications and talk therapy. That’s when I realized I’d have to […]

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How To Use Hypnosis As An Anxiety Relief Remedy

You can hire a hypnotist or you can hypnotise yourself. I’ve done it and you can too, if you are serious about finding an anxiety relief remedy that works when you want it to. Find some relaxing music. If you don’t have any, there are a lot of great CDs around. Choose something you enjoy that also calms you. For me, it is Hawaiian instrumental music. I find it extremely relaxing, plus it enables me to easily conjure up images of those luscious islands, blue skies and sandy beaches. Turn on the music, then find a comfortable and quite place […]

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Stopping Panic Attacks: Your Mind Has The Answer

I know all about panic attacks and how they can consume your life. For many years, I struggled to stop them. Initially, I failed. My thoughts were too obsessed with the condition to think of anything positive. Then, one day I discovered that my panic attacks were getting rather tiresome. That sounds odd, doesn’t it? But it’s true. I’d thought about nothing else for about five years, but the early days were vivid memories of the terror I experienced. Fortunately, learning inspires me. Whatever comes across my path, I want to know more. Panic was no different. The books I […]

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How To Stop Anxiety Before It Starts

Obviously, once you are in a state of anxiety, you’re not in any mental state to figure your way out of it. Until you learn what to do to stop anxiety before it starts, you’ll just have to let it run its course. Believe me, I know. I remember all too well what it felt like to have an anxiety attack and feel so overwhelmed, puzzled, afraid and scattered. You can’t think of anything else, can you? It takes over your entire being, from your body to your mind. Fortunately, it does end. Personally, I think it’s because your body […]

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