Having An Anxiety Attack? Blame It On Your Amygdala
“The what?” you ask.
For many years, scientists have known that this little gland in the brain called the Amygdala is directly responsible for our anxiety.
Have you ever wondered what causes your body to produce more adrenalin, your heart to pound and your head to spin when you suddenly find yourself in a dangerous situation? A typical one you’ve probably experienced is in a near-miss traffic accident. Nothing sends your heart pounding faster than an accident that you missed by the skin of your teeth.
This is how the Amygdala is supposed to work. It’s your body’s anxiety switch that goes into action when your body needs that extra energy to protect and save itself.
When you have repeated anxiety attacks, however, your anxiety switch has become stuck in the on position.
How does that happen?
It all comes down to how you respond to a situation. From then on, you always respond the same way. So if you stepped outside of your house one day and felt fearful and anxious, you might have that same response every time thereafter. Before you know it, you have agoraphobia (fear of open spaces) or some other phobia or fear.
The solution is to turn the anxiety switch back off to overcome your anxiety disorder.
But how do you do that, since you have no control over how your body’s system works. You can’t control your blood flow or your body’s chemical reactions. They work without you having to think about them, unlike your muscles, which you can force to flex simply by bending your arm or leg.
There are ways to reprogram this little gland that basically reverse how it responds to specific events. One way to do that is through repeated exposure to the situation that triggers your anxiety attacks. This is usually done gradually over time until you reach the point where that situation no longer bothers you.
Keep in mind, however, that there can be underlying mental health conditions that can be aiding your anxiety disorder. Until those are dealt with, you might not get the cure you had hoped. Even so, in the majority of cases treatments for anxiety disorder work very well.
One especially powerful treatment was developed by Charles Linden. You might have heard of the Linden Method. Charles suffered from anxiety disorder for many years until he got fed up with all the doctors and lack of results. One day, he figured out what works and put together his package to help others beat their anxiety attacks. You can read my Linden Method Review here.