Frustration plays a role in depression
Many of you might already know that depression is often linked to a chemical imbalance in the body. This means that something biologically is causing the depression. The degree of imbalance determines how deep and severe is the depression.
Some depression is a normal part of life. We get depressed when we lose a loved one or because we didn’t get the job we desperately needed. Normal depression generally only lasts a few weeks at most and generally does not require treatment. When it continues over months, however, it is considered clinical depression that needs treatment.
Depression is also an hereditary trait and that’s something we can do little about. One consideration is that we learn to react with depression by following our parents’ lead, if they suffer with depression. After all, youngsters learn by example which makes it more crucial that parents who have this condition seek solutions so they do not influence their children in that way.
It can be difficult to determine whether it’s strictly biological or from example, but the fact remains, life is not of good quality when depression darkens it.
In some cases, the depression is limited to our youthful years and resolves on its own once the biological changes that come with growth have finished.
As teens, we go through a lot of emotional and biological changes. We are concerned with how our peers view us and if we are accepted into the group. We are also struggling with our identities. Who are we going to be? How are we going to react? How do we feel about our own sexuality? It’s a period of testing, questioning and experimenting to find answers.
As adults, we are pretty much set in our ways and in some cases, depression is part of our lives. In intermittent depression, however, it might be easy to determine its cause.
There is a cycle we go through at certain events in our lives that might give us a clue to a certain depressive episode.
When we are put in a difficult situation from which there seems no way out, we might start out angry at the situation. Despite our efforts, the situation cannot be resolved and our anger, which is also unresolved, turns into frustration. Frustration left to simmer will turn into depression.
In my life, I’ve learned to recognize this cycle when it starts and can now stop it.
Knowing how to identify the source of your depression can help significantly to easing your symptoms and frequency of attacks.